Since its creation, our network has been developing with the support of the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, and in close collaboration with France Chimie. More recently, common interests and work have emerged with the equivalent of our network in the field of Engineering Sciences, the Redoc-SPI network.
Launched in February 2017, Chimie Work is a platform created by the Observatoire des Industries Chimiques, specially dedicated to chemical professions from Post-Bac to Bac+5, where recruiters and candidates can post their advertisements. Open-ended contracts, fixed-term contracts, apprenticeship contracts, professionalization contracts, internships, VIE.
ANDès is the French association of doctors. It brings together doctors of all disciplines, regardless of their age, professional standing or whether they reside in France or abroad.
The Technical Office for International Studies and Cooperation (OTECI) intervenes in the world of business, through volunteer OTECI Advisers who bring their experience and expertise in all strategic sectors. Whether in cash management, human resources management, negotiation, communication and many other areas, OTECI helps to accompany and support a wide variety of projects.
In the world of Education, OTECI participates in bringing together Schools/Universities/Businesses by disseminating knowledge of the economic world, by informing students about their future professions by reporting on current developments and by helping students to integrate into the economic world first through an internship and then through a job.
Practical advice to improve professional projects and CVs, simulated job interviews are possible by appointment at a lower cost.
The international reference in informing, accompanying and employing doctors.
ABG-Intelli’agence carries out an assignment of general interest that aims to encourage and support the development and expansion of the scientific culture by making easier the training, professional education and employment of young scientists in laboratories, public institutions and companies, in France and abroad.
The national policy of competitivity centres was launched ten years ago to strengthen the competitive nature of companies, develop jobs on bearer markets and consolidate territories. The competitivity centres group together, for a given area, companies, reRechercher centres and training organisations, in order to develop synergies and cooperation, in particular through innovative cooperative projects.
They must fall in line with a national aim: the challenge is to allow the companies involved to take a vanguard position in their fields, both in France and abroad
Polepharma is the leading pharmaceutical cluster in Europe. The network of excellence and innovation in the health sector. Made in France. A team of experts at the service of the network.
Polepharma stimulates the economic and industrial development of the players in France’s leading pharmaceutical sector through actions promoting competitiveness, innovation and attractiveness in the service of employment.
Polepharma, in figures :
France’s leading exporter of medicines, with 25.3 billion in export sales 53% of the production of medicines in France.
An ecosystem of more than 300 players (laboratories, suppliers, manufacturers, public and private institutions, universities, reRechercher and training centres, etc.).
More than 60,000 jobs spread over all the players in the sector.
Present in 3 regions, Centre Val de Loire, Normandy, Ile de France.
4 branches: Polepharma, Chartres, Val de Reuil, Tours and Paris.
The Carnot mechanism comes under the Agreement for reRechercher, one objective of which is to encourage the transfer of technology partnership between public laboratories and companies and the development of innovation. It aims to acknowledge the capacity of reRechercher structures carrying out assignments in the general interest to work efficiently with socio-economic partners, in particular with companies.
The Association Chimie du Végétal (ACDV: Plant Chemistry association) is a non-profit organisation that brings together economic players from the food processing industries, chemistry and their downstream customer industries, in order to speed up the development of chemistry based on the use of plant resources in France and Europe.
The National centre for scientific reRechercher (CNRS) is a public reRechercher body (Public establishment of a scientific and technological nature, placed under the supervision of the Ministry for national education, higher education and reRechercher). It produces knowledge, and places this knowledge in the service of society.
ReRechercherGate is the largest social network in the world for reRechercherers and scientists.
ReRechercherGate is a free on-line reRechercher platform offering an international jobs market for reRechercherers and scientists in
196 countries, as well as a database of some 40 million articles and publications and tens of thousands of full texts, mainly in the scientific field, but also open to other disciplines.